John's reponse to Becky.
Posted Tuesday, April 21, 2009 05:01 PM

John W. Darr

The "Why Not Coffee House" Started out on 3rd Street at the YWCA for several years and then moved to the YWCA house on Main Street in the Uptown area of Alton. Bill, Tom and Liz Thomas were real active in it as was I. I remeber you there. Would love to get back together with people who remember it and were there. Maybe I am still singing some of the songs that we sang ie Dylan, Joan Baez, Donovan etc. whenever I get a chance to sing . I've been doing solo gigs in Belleville as well as singing with Pik'n Lik'n at The Shanti in Soulard. (Check them out at My Space/Pik'n Lik'n). I recently played at the Oregan Trail Coffee House in Belleville which reminded me of the Why Not and I got all nostalgic! thanks for asking Becky and it's good hearing from you.