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In Memory

Martin D. Wynkoop VIEW PROFILE

Martin D. Wynkoop

Martin Duncan Wynkoop, 66, passed away on Thursday, September 7, 2017 after a long series of chronic illnesses. Marty was born on July 18, 1951 and was a life-long resident of Alton, having grown-up primarily in the Hillcrest neighborhood. He attended Horace Mann Elementary School, East Junior High School, and was graduated from Alton Senior High School in June of 1969. Marty was an ardent student of life and was very quick to share what he had learned, whether you wanted to know or not. Unusually stubborn and obstinate, there was no issue on which Marty had formed an opinion from which he would be deterred or relent. Despite what appeared to be an obvious flaw, closer examination would generally reveal that his opinions were formed from careful thought and deep-seated beliefs based on his personal experiences. Truly bright and articulate, Marty was particularly well-versed in military history and quite outspoken in all matters political.

Marty’s chronic health issues had prevented his employment in recent years, but he had been active for many years in the plant and equipment side of the cable television business. Marty was very proud that he had been able to see a great deal of the United States by way of literally pulling cable television to small markets. He truly believed that the heart of America was in the towns and byways of humble people.

Marty’s greatest love in life was music, a passion that he gained from his father. He taught himself to play guitar while in his early teens, and learned a number of other instruments over his life. Marty served as an accomplished musician for quite a number of local bands through the decades, of which he considered Morgantown the most representative of his talents and interests. It was not unusual for Marty to pick up a guitar and jam informally with whomever was on stage, on the porch, or in the basement.

Marty was preceded in death by his parents, William Wynkoop and Bernice D. Martin, and
his brother William Rex Wynkoop. He has an aunt, an uncle, and a number of cousins who survive him. They will miss the extraordinary range of banter that he would provide to family functions. Private interment was accommodated by Gent Funeral Home. A heated discussion of Marty’s life will be held sometime later this fall. Online guestbook and information may be found at www.gentfuneralhome.com

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09/09/17 09:33 PM #1    

Rebecca E. (Becky) Bierbaum

Sending sympathy to Marty's family and friends.   R.I.P. Marty.

09/10/17 06:19 PM #2    

Oscar E. Wallace

marty was always i guy that had a lot of heart he would try anything ,he played football coach stravros would put him in the game because he had heart no talent lol.i hate that he struggled ,but he lived his life to the fullest.rip marty



09/11/17 11:32 AM #3    

Nancee Magilson

RIP, Marty.  We shared a special time.  While we probably wouldn't have agreed on anything political, you always arrived at your position through reason, which I respected.  Yours was a challenging intellect.

09/12/17 01:02 PM #4    

Arlette Wilson

RIP, Marty. Marty saved me at "Fort Nightly". I didn't have that many guys who wanted to dance with me, so Marty would fill out all the blanks on my dance card. We probably danced 6 of the 10 dances together.  I thanked him years later at one of our reunions...nice guy.

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